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Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 3D Online 2016
- Country: USA
- Director: David Yates
- Cast: Eddie Redmayne, Sam Redford, Scott Goldman, Tim Bentinck, Tristan Tait, Colin Farrell, Tom Clarke Hill, Matthew Sim, Katherine Waterston, Samantha Morton, Dan Fogler, Ezra Miller, Faith Wood-Blagrove, Jenn Murray, Cory Peterson
- Language:
- Genre: Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Warner Bros
The story of Harry Potter's life was able to enter the hearts of not just a large number of people, but several generations at the same time. Unfortunately, those days are almost over. But now there is a very different story-a story that goes back many years before the birth of the boy with the scar. In the film fantastic beasts and where to find them 3D online, the main character of the new film is Newt Salamander. He travels the world in search of adventures and fantastic animals. It is