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Batman Returns 3D online 1992
- Country: United States
- Director: Tim Burton
- Cast: Michael Keaton, Danny DeVito, Michelle Pfeiffer
- Language:Chinese, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Thai
- Genre: Action, Crime, Fantasy, Warner Bros
Batman Returns 3D 1992 is a movie about the superhero Batman based on DC comics. The film's plot takes place in the fictional city of Gotham City, where Batman confronts new threats and villains. Batman continues to protect Gotham from crime. But this time he will have to face new enemies: Selina Kyle, known as Catwoman, and businessman Max Shreck. Selina wants revenge for her difficult childhood and strives for power over the city. Max Shreck, in turn, tries to control Gotham through his